bogofilter- - new stable release

Jake Di Toro karrde+bogofilter at
Thu Jun 5 20:55:03 CEST 2003

Hehe, guess I jumped the gun seeing as I d/led this before this email

Randomtrain (or actually more appripiately scramble) has a msg
counting issue.  After I compiled and upgraded I decided to rebuild my
databases since I had been using 10.3.  Registerd a few spam and ham
and let randomtrain hit the rest.  I noticed the it counted 2 more
messages in each category for the messages I gave it.  

After pearing down the spam category, I've come up with a group of 29
messages that randomtrain/scramble counts as 30.  If anyone is
interested, I'd be happy to zip up and email to them... just let me
know who to send to.

Till Later, Jake <karrde+bogofilter at>
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