Modifying headers

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Fri Jul 11 13:22:41 CEST 2003

Rick Mann <rmann at> writes:

> Related to the "Changing bogofilter output sense" thread, I would like for
> the X-Bogofilter header to appear in my messages. However, it seems that
> only the passthrough mode writes this? And passthrough can use substantial
> memory in the qmail/TMDA environment, I think.

If the input file is really seekable, then it won't, because bogofilter
can then rewind the file. If it's a real pipe, non-seekable, then
bogofilter has to cache. If there are COMMON configurations where the
memory use poses a problem, I could think of using temporary files
rather than buffer in memory. I've so far avoided that because of the
I/O overhead. Swapping may be faster. :-)

> qmail and TMDA pass the message to bogofilter on std input, and (correct me
> if I'm wrong) bogofilter can't seek that file. Or maybe it can, I'm not
> sure. In any event, I'm not sure if qmail or TMDA allow the message to be
> modified by one of the processing programs.

How exactly do you call bogofilter from qmail? qmail-filter for one
seems to use temporary files that bogofilter can seek, so it's cheap.

Matthias Andree

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