Modifying headers

Rick Mann rmann at
Fri Jul 11 01:59:15 CEST 2003

Related to the "Changing bogofilter output sense" thread, I would like for
the X-Bogofilter header to appear in my messages. However, it seems that
only the passthrough mode writes this? And passthrough can use substantial
memory in the qmail/TMDA environment, I think.

qmail and TMDA pass the message to bogofilter on std input, and (correct me
if I'm wrong) bogofilter can't seek that file. Or maybe it can, I'm not
sure. In any event, I'm not sure if qmail or TMDA allow the message to be
modified by one of the processing programs.

If anyone has any suggestions on this, I'd like to hear them. Thank you.

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