How do I initialize?]

Gyepi SAM gyepi at
Tue Jan 7 21:39:48 CET 2003

On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 11:23:01AM -0800, Chris Wilkes wrote:
> I use a format like his
>   bogofilter < spamemail.txt
> all the time with .qmail script.  You can do it from the command line
> and check the return code ($?) to see if it was a spam (0) or not (1).

Yes, but only after the databases have been initialized.

The manual clearly states that one must initialize both databases before
running bogofilter in evaluation mode (which is what you are doing).

To initialize the good database, do
    bogofilter -n < good

To initialize the spam database, do

    bogofilter -s < spam

where good and spam are presumably mbox format files containing good and spam 
messages. The manual discusses all the other options too.


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