Fisher, exim, word pairs and thanks

David Relson relson at
Fri Jan 3 19:08:45 CET 2003

At 12:57 PM 1/3/03, Karl Schmidt wrote:

>Greg Louis wrote:
>>On 20030102 (Thu) at 1619:58 -0600, Karl Schmidt wrote:
>>>I think an argument might be made that it is better to waste computer 
>>>time than user time.
>>I won't quarrel if you'll fund the computer muscle :)  As long as the
>>computer can handle several thousand messages an hour on average, and
>>it can be shown by queuing theory that the instantaneous probability of
>>its losing email due to saturation is somewhere in the 1e-5 range, we
>>have room to increase complexity of the classification algorithm.
>I have a hunch there are lots of folks just running  on a personal 
>machine. Anyway, as a optional stting down the road I bet it will work 
>very well.  My thanks again for sharing your hard work.
>On another tangent - once in operation, is it better to add all emails to 
>the db - even the ones correctly sorted or just the ones missed?


Some say yes, some say no.  I use '-u' for my small (5 user) domain, so all 
emails go into the wordlists.  Greg is involved with a larger domain and 
only feeds in errors.


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