unregistration options

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Fri Feb 28 10:12:28 CET 2003

Hi bogofilter,

On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 06:47:46PM -0500, Greg Louis wrote:
> If you're reopening the poll I vote you proceed as you had planned: -S
> and -N unregister, and -Sn and -Ns do the old thing.  With respect and
> sympathy for Dan's position, I still feel this approach is clean and
> elegant and will save more headaches than it causes.

Is there any good reason we can't keep backwards compatibility and make
the new thing use the new options?

i.e. -S moves from non-spam to spam
     -Sn unregisters from spam list
         (i.e. move from non-spam to spam and add to non-spam list)

Surely it's more useful to have the -S and -N options to correct
bogofilter's perception of a mail than these new options?  Or did I miss
something obvious?


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