Unregistering Mail / MD5

Barry Gould BarryGould at PennySaverUSA.net
Thu Feb 13 23:03:33 CET 2003

At 01:35 PM 2/13/2003, Chris Wilkes wrote:

>Wow, that sounds like a lot of work just to correct a missclassification

Well, I can also just put it in another mailbox, and feed that mailbox to 
bogofilter later. Either way, the MD5's won't be right.

>... how are you initially running your email through bogofilter?

incoming mail recipe in procmail

>Perhaps you can add on to that so you can have it do the
>reclassification for you.  So you can just send the email back to the
>server and let it do all the druge work.

How would you do this without classifying the new headers? e.g. the headers 
are now going to say its from me, with my ip, ...

>With Qmail its pretty easy to setup an -extension to do this for you,
>like "cwilkes-shouldbespam" or "cwilkes-thisisham" and have it do the
>regsistering for you.  I'm sure you can do the same with a procmail
>receipe, you might have to add a subject line line "SPAM" and key off of

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