registering spammails

Eric Persson eric at
Tue Feb 4 16:31:20 CET 2003


I just installed bogofilter and it seems to work ok, however I can not 
register spammails for some reason. I have extracted a spammessage to a 
a file and then tries to register it with the following command:
cat spam_mail | /usr/local/bogofilter/bin/bogofilter -d 
/home/eric/.bogofilter/ -s

I get no ouput from the command, but when looking in the .bogofilter/ in 
my homedir shows that the goodlist.db is growing while the spamlist.db 
remains unchanged.
-rw-------    1 eric     eric       323584 Feb  4 16:17 goodlist.db
-rw-------    1 eric     eric         8192 Feb  4 10:09 spamlist.db

The mail that I want to register as spam is instead being placed in the 
goodlist.db. If I use the bogoutil -d to show the result in the dbfiles 
the goodlist is full of stuff(including the message I registered as 
spam) and the spamlist.db is still empty.

Have anyone experienced this before? It feels like I'm doing something 
wrong, I just cant figure out what it is.

Thanks for any tips or suggestions.

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