
Bob Friesenhahn bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us
Fri Aug 8 17:42:06 CEST 2003

On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Matthias Andree wrote:

> Bob Friesenhahn <bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us> writes:
> > Bogofilter CVS requires that a program called 'xmlto' be installed in
> > order to format the documentation.  My experience with 'xmlto' is that
> > it is messy and painful to install if you are not using Linux since it
> > has a lot of odd dependencies.
> >
> > Can the makefiles be arranged so that there is no dependency on
> > 'xmlto' for the default targets?
> xmlto is already a pain outside of Red Hat. Do you know a good, portable
> replacement?

No.  My knowledge of XML document processing is very limited.  Even if
xmlto is not used, it seems that most of the Docbook XML package must
be installed on the system.  Docbook is one of the many xmlto
dependencies (as are GNU bash, GNU find, mktemp, and getopt).

In order to avoid the dependence on 'xmlto' you can add a 'doc' target
so 'make doc' ensures that the documentation is up to date.  Formatted
documentation would be committed to CVS so that it is always

I have one system with 'xmlto' installed so if I want to build the CVS
version of bogofilter across multiple targets, I have to manually copy
the formatted documents in the 'doc' subdirectory to the 'doc'
subdirectory for the target being built (I configure/build bogofilter
from outside the source directory).

Bob Friesenhahn
bfriesen at simple.dallas.tx.us

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