The significance of word placement

Boris 'pi' Piwinger 3.14 at
Fri Oct 25 08:52:42 CEST 2002

Graham Wilson <bob at> wrote:

>> Would it be significant if a word shows up in the header or even the
>> subject, bogofilter would know better. I have virtually hundreds of
>> those messages with that exact subject. None of which is ham.
>i think rather than making bogofilter recognize this, you should set up
>some other filter (eg procmail) to filter out messages with 'Betreff' as
>the subject. it could quarintine these messages to a folder and run it
>throught bogofilter to add it to the spamfilter.

I already have this. It just does not learn it. The reason
is that some brain-dead programs (mostly form MS) translate
subject to Betreff and people attach an "original message".
So the word alone is a hint that something is ham, just by
the sheer amount of lusers.


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