The significance of word placement

Graham Wilson bob at
Fri Oct 25 04:17:30 CEST 2002

On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 11:47:27PM +0200, Boris 'pi' Piwinger wrote:
> Hi!


> Most of the spam not caught by bogofilter for me is in German. A
> significant portion of that is "women" asking for "dates". Strange
> enough the subject is "Betreff" (which means: subject or topic). So
> this is a 100 percenter in my filter. Bogofilter often misses it,
> though.
> Would it be significant if a word shows up in the header or even the
> subject, bogofilter would know better. I have virtually hundreds of
> those messages with that exact subject. None of which is ham.

i think rather than making bogofilter recognize this, you should set up
some other filter (eg procmail) to filter out messages with 'Betreff' as
the subject. it could quarintine these messages to a folder and run it
throught bogofilter to add it to the spamfilter.

i had this problem with iso-2202-jp and gb2312 charset messages. i just
told procmail to put them in a seperate mbox and add them to bogofilters
spam database. now bogofilter recognizes them automatically.


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