What is a word (lexertest)

Paul Tomblin ptomblin at xcski.com
Wed Oct 23 23:10:05 CEST 2002

Quoting Tom Allison (tallison at tacocat.net):
> Considering further the idea of spam being determined by what is 
> communicated to the human being involved, it could be further 
> argued to ignore all HEADER information except for the SUBJECT.
> After all, new many people using email are going to read through 
> the X-Tags and such.

What does it matter how many people are going to read those tags?  The
point is that the program can use the headers to determine spam.  For
instance, my bogofilter frequently rejects things because of things like
the Content-type: header indicates an asian language, or because of a
header that indicates that it came from particular bulk mailer programs.

I don't know why you want to throw away header information.  It's all
important, and the stuff that isn't very indicative (like the stuff added
by your mailer) gets a .5 rating anyway.

Paul Tomblin <ptomblin at xcski.com>, not speaking for anybody
"I'm cruising down the Information Superhighway in high gear, surfing the
waves of the Digital Ocean, exploring the uncharted regions of Cyberspace.
Actually I'm sitting on my butt staring at a computer screen."

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