multi-list code

Eric Seppanen eds at
Thu Oct 3 00:21:31 CEST 2002

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 06:06:27PM -0400, David Relson wrote:
> >I'd rather just see a ~/.bogofilter/bogofilterrc file that lists user
> >preferences.
> Along with an /etc/bogofilterrc, perhaps?  Would you care to write the code?

I could give it a shot, but I'd rather see the multi-list stuff in CVS 
first, so there's only one implementation of that floating around.

I would just write a straight C implementation, since nobody's told me 
"you should really use [library|parser] xyz".  Sort of reinventing the 
wheel, but I don't think there would be much overhead.  I would just grab 
one-line strings and then parse them into tokens, so that adding a list 
would look like:

list [name] [weight] [file]

or something equivalent, separated by whitespace.

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