BogoFilter and sendmail

Shane Wegner shane at
Sat Nov 9 22:05:14 CET 2002

Hi all,

I have been using BogoFilter for email filtering via
ProcMail and thus far, it has not generated any false
positives.  However, I still have to go through the spam
incoming folder and the spam keeps coming on the order of
100 per day.

In an effort to slow the trafic, I would like to invoke
bogofilter after a message has been received with the
`data' command but before sendmail issues the `200 ok'
response.  If BogoFilter flags it as spam, I want to issue
a `500 err' response of some sort but only for my email
address.  I don't want others on the system affected by my
spam filters.  Has anyone done work in this area who
wouldn't mind sharing sendmail rules or am I in uncharted
territory here.  I'm thinking maybe a milter recipe which
calls bogofilter might work but haven't looked at this in
too much detail yet.

Thanks in advance,

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