bogofilter-0.16.2 - new current release

Stefan Bellon sbellon at
Sat Jan 17 01:29:04 CET 2004

I noticed a problem with the latest 0.16.2 version.

In the announcement, David Relson wrote:
> * Allow setting threshold for auto-updating, using the "-u value" flag
>   or the "thresh_update=value" option.

This breaks formerly working and existing code:

    $ bogofilter -pluM < foo > bar

worked but doesn't anymore. It produces

    Cannot parse -u option argument 'M'.

as output. Now you have to ensure that you call bogofilter like

    $ bogofilter -Mplu < foo > bar


    $ bogofilter -plu -M < foo > bar

I don't think this was intentional.

Stefan Bellon

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