Forwarded [bogoutil]

Chris Wilkes cwilkes-bf at
Wed Nov 19 03:30:14 CET 2003

> Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 13:43:57 +0100 (MET)
> From: Horst Scheuermann <Horst.Scheuermann at>
> Subject: bogoutil
> To: gyepi at
> Reply-To: Horst Scheuermann <Horst.Scheuermann at>
> hello
> don't see how to report a bug on and mailinglist's
> archives are not available so I write a mal directly to You
> bogoutil -m file -k 16 -y 20031118 -a 123 -c 0
> reclaims all memory it can get and dies when it reaches virtuel
> memorylimit

On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 09:09:56PM -0500, Gyepi SAM wrote:
> I got this bug report and traced through bogoutil's operations for the
> maintain mode, but could not find any place where bogoutil was using
> increasing amounts of memory for a maintain operation. I also suspected a
> memory leak, but each malloc has a matching free.
> At this point, I suspect DB, but I have not used it in a while so I'll
> toss the report into the ring. If need be, I'll build a large DB
> database and debug further.

I'm interrested in that too, as the two boxes I have bogofilter running
on have used up all 1G of memory on them.  They're each the same setup:

  RedHat 9.0
  # uname -a
  Linux box05 2.4.20-8 #1 Thu Mar 13 17:18:24 EST 2003 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
  1G ram
  qmail with the qmail-ldap patch
  bogofilter version 0.15.7
  db4.1.25-3 from the "RawHide" RPMS.

One has 123 users on it, the other only 37.  Nothing else runs on them.

Every email that's sent to a user gets passed through bogofilter to see
if it should be dumped into a different email folder.  Every 15 minutes
I update each user's wordlist with any new mail that's come in, or fixes
or the wordlist.  I'm only using one process per user so only one
process is updating the wordlist at a time, but there could be a case of
the wordlist being updated during a mail delivery attempt (and thus a

If you want me to run a test, or track the memory usage per time let me
know.  I'm going off of the free memory stat in "top" -- which is odd as
a sort by memory usage doesn't show anything on there really using up
that much memory.


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