Sun Workshop compiler warnings

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Tue Aug 5 01:47:37 CEST 2003

"lexer_v3.l", line 120: warning: 37589 is invalid in #line directive
"lexer_v3.l", line 168: warning: 37746 is invalid in #line directive
"lexer_v3.l", line 264: warning: 38113 is invalid in #line directive

These cannot be fixed easily, apparently Sun Workshop complains if
__LINE__ exceeds 32767 (the largest guaranteed signed short).

"src/main.c", line 157: warning: enum type mismatch: op "="

This one is a problem when the rc_t and ex_t interfaces to not match.
Can we kill one of the two interfaces without sacrificing too much
functionality? We should to so to keep the code maintainable.

Matthias Andree

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