renaming plans

David Relson relson at
Fri Oct 11 15:55:54 CEST 2002


In reading bogofilter.c, I have noticed that variable name "stats" appears 
in two different contexts.  In the first, it's for a bogostat_t struct and 
in the second it's for a wordprob_t struct.  To make the usage clear, I 
propose to change the variable names to bogostats and wordstats.  Also, 
there are two functions init_stats() and populate_stats() should be renamed 
to include 'bogo' in their names.

In bogofilter.h there's an enumerated type reg_t that is used to indicate 
if a wordlist is to be updated and (if so) which one.  With the addition of 
the '-u' (update) option, there's an additional value REG_UPDT.  This type 
is used in main.c and bogofilter.c.  The usage of reg_t has expanded from 
being a register_type to a run_type.  I propose to change the type name to 
run_t, the variable to run_type, and the names of values REG_NONE and 

Will these changes interfere significantly with anyone's current 
projects?  If so, I can wait a while before committing them to cvs.


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