printf() vs fprintf()

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Tue Sep 24 21:42:53 CEST 2002

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, David Relson wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've encountered a problem with some of today's bogofilter updates.
> Previously, printf() was used for displaying debugging messages.  Piping 
> the output of bogofilter through grep allowed me to discard unwanted 
> messages.  It also worked great for redirecting program output to a file 
> and running bogofilter via a test script, with only script onput appearing 
> in the terminal window.
> Now fprint() is being used to output messages stdout.  Using grep is 
> broken.  Using scripting is also broken.
> I've modified my working copy so that it logs output the old way and I'm 
> thinking of changing it in the repository.
> Do people feel strongly one way or t'other about this?

Should we wrap things up so we can more flexibly log where we want? A

Why is grep broken? printf() should be equivalent to fprintf(stdout, )
in any respect (in fact, I suspect that it's just an alias).

Matthias Andree

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