Notes for using CVS

Adrian Otto aotto at
Sun Sep 15 05:52:59 CEST 2002


I have put the bogofilter source on Here are
some notes for how to use it. Please read this entire message if you plan to
use the bogofilter CVS archive.

1) If you are not already registered at, please register:

2) Give me or Matt Martini your id so we can add you to the bogofilter
project. Until you are listed as a developer for the project you can only
get anonymous access to the CVS archive, which does not allow you to make
any changes.

3) Set up your environment for bogofilter CVS:

$ CVS_RSH=ssh
$ export
CVSROOT=:ext:your_sf_id at
$ cvs checkout -z3 bogofilter
$ cd bogofilter

Before you edit a file, if you did not check it our recently, see if there
have been any updates since you checked it out:
$ cvs status

If the status of your modified file is "Needing Patch", that mans someone
else has committed a new version since you checked it out. You can update
your local copy to match the version in CVS with an update command:
$ cvs update

Mark it for editing before changing it:
$ cvs edit main.c

When you are done with your modifications and testing, check the status
$ cvs status

If the status of your modified file is "Locally Modified" then you are ready
to commit.
$ cvs commit

If the status was "Needs Merge" it means someone else has committed a newer
revision to the repository, and you have also made modifications to the
file. To resolve this, do an update command:
$ cvs update main.c

Then look in the file and you will see lines marked with "<<<<<<<" and
">>>>>>>" that show both sets of code where they are in conflict so you can
resolve the conflicts manually, before you finally commit again.

Here is a CVS tutorial if you want more guidance:

For more information about CVS on Sourceforge, including links to FAQ's:

I have set things up so that when changes are committed to the CVS archive,
a set of context diffs are automatically sent to the
bogofilter-cvs at If you want to get these diffs, you
can subscribe here:



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