Why would bogofilter use different data file?

Maciej Pilichowski bantu at poczta.fm
Wed Sep 29 16:55:09 CEST 2021


On Wednesday 29 September 2021 09:43:57 Tomaž Šolc via bogofilter 

Thank you for your answer.

> I don't know how openSUSE handles bogofilter packaging. In Debian,
> you have different bogofilter packages for each backend
> (bogofilter-bdb, bogofilter-sqlite, ...) You need to install the
> right one depending on which format your data is in.

Same story here, and I only installed bogofilter-common and 
bogofilter-db (which I guess handles .db files).

> The other place you might want to look is the change log for the
> openSUSE package you're using. Maybe the maintainer switched the
> backend for their build for some reason.

Considering I can see the list of the included files it would be 
strange, because for example program bogolexer-db would be unable to 
handle .db file, but be able to handle .kct file. But I will search 
for it.

Is there a way to call bogofilter and see some output what backend it 
recognized? I am asking for this, because for example KMail rule
bogofilter -N -s
does not indicate backend. 


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