Why would bogofilter use different data file?

Tomaž Šolc tomaz.solc at tablix.org
Wed Sep 29 09:43:57 CEST 2021


On 28. 09. 21 19:35, Maciej Pilichowski wrote:
> I lived happily with openSUSE 13.2 and bogofilter 1.2.4 until I
> migrated to openSUSE 15.3 with the same bogofilter but packaged
> differently. > Previously I used .db file for data, I still have this file, but now
> bogofilter ignores it, instead it uses .kct file.

Bogofilter can be compiled with support for different storage backends - 
Berkeley DB, SQLite, Tokyo Cabinet.

.db files are usually Berkeley DB. I'm not sure about .kct, but it's 
probably Tokyo Cabinet.

I don't know how openSUSE handles bogofilter packaging. In Debian, you 
have different bogofilter packages for each backend (bogofilter-bdb, 
bogofilter-sqlite, ...) You need to install the right one depending on 
which format your data is in.

> What could have caused switch to .kct file and how to activate
> old .db file? For the record I used and still use KDE3 KMail.

If openSUSE has the same approach as Debian, then maybe a different 
bogofilter package was installed in your migration?

The other place you might want to look is the change log for the 
openSUSE package you're using. Maybe the maintainer switched the backend 
for their build for some reason.

Best regards

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