Why would bogofilter use different data file?

Maciej Pilichowski bantu at poczta.fm
Sun Oct 3 16:52:16 CEST 2021


On Sunday 03 October 2021 12:21:27 Matthias Andree wrote:

> as written earlier, the file location bogofilter looks for can be
> part of the configuration file,
> so you have not proven (neither here nor in the bug report's new
> comment) that it's a fault of the executables.

I am mere user, but since both packages "welcome" message use the same 
label it is already something wrong. And secondly, if there is any 
configuration it comes with the package. So I am not saying the 
problem lies in executable per se, but within given package.

Most packages from my old openSUSE setup do not work in the new one, 
but bogofilter is an exception here, it worked and it used the 
correct file. In all those tests all I did was removing and adding 

> For converting between formats, you can dump the old database to a
> text-based format with one executable, and then load it into a
> different database format with the other executable and changed
> configuration, check the bogoutil documentation for that.

Thank you again!


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