FAQ CSS revised

Greg Louis glouis at dynamicro.on.ca
Mon Mar 31 13:56:25 CEST 2003

On 20030331 (Mon) at 1044:41 +0200, Boris 'pi' Piwinger wrote:
> David Relson wrote:
> > Back to the style sheet, I removed the "body" style which controlled the wings and left all the vertical whitespace and subheading specifications.
> Horrible. Lines with more than 170 characters. Looks like a page made by someone who never read a book, seen a newspaper, heard about typesetting, knew the word layout etc.  Why don't we after all use unbounded line length in e-mail?  The argument about width of a console was never valid anyway, since every reader can easily wrap to the available width.

There speaks a guy who can't even be bothered to wrap his own emails as
recommended in RFCs 2821 and 2822 ;)

The important thing here is that the choice should not be yours to make
for anyone but yourself.  I thought the narrow lines looked annoyingly
stupid (I think the same of the format the Registrar uses); why should
you force them on me?  We're not forcing wide lines on you; you can
narrow them for yourself, as Matthias pointed out, and enjoy your
perceived improvement in legibility accordingly.  (I agree with you in
principle about short lines -- on paper.  On a screen, however, what I
want for myself is to minimize scrolling and maximize the amount of
visible information.)

| G r e g  L o u i s          | gpg public key: finger     |
|   http://www.bgl.nu/~glouis |   glouis at consultronics.com |
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