It's getting worse

Boris 'pi' Piwinger 3.14 at
Fri Mar 28 11:51:59 CET 2003


For several days now I observe that I get more and more spam
not recognized by bogofilter. Here is something from a
massage which was in base64 which could not stop bogofilter,
some "comments" did, though:

Gro<!6502>up SA</b> is one of Switzerland's lead<!6502>ing
pri<!6502>vate altern<!6502>ative inve<!6502>stment
compa<!6502>nies which allocates its assets
                                      to a range of
      mai<!21722>nly in the fi<!21722>eld of
alter<!21722>native inves<!21722>tment strate<!21722>gies.
Its aim is to gene<!21722>rate absolute dai<!21722>ly
compo<!21722>unded returns in U<!21722>SD te<!21722>rms.
Swi<!21722>ss                  Gr<!21722>oup has been

tra<!21722>ding on the Swi<!21722>ss Sto<!15588>ck
Exch<!15588>ange since November 19<!15588>99 and on
Fo<!15588>rex since ea<!15588>rly 1997. Sw<!15588>iss
Gr<!15588>oup provi<!15588>des pri<!15588>vate and
inst<!15588>itutional           inv<!15588>estors with an
easy                                                  and
effi<!15588>cient way to inv<!15588>est with high
retu<!15588>rns. <br><br>
                                              50-500$ 1 <br>

     500-1000$ 1,1 <br>
                         1,000-1,500$ 1,2 <br>
1,3 <br>
       2,000-2,500$ 1,4 <br>
                           2,500-3,000$ 1,5 <br>
1,6 <br>
       4,000-5,000$ 1,7 <br>
                           5,000-7,500$ 1,8 <br>
1,9 <br>
      10,000-25,000$ 2,0 <br>
                          25,000$ special rate <br><br>

      <b>Cl<!12636>ick he<!12636>re to st<!12636>art
ear<!12636>ning:</b> <br>        <a

Looking at -vvv the "comments" split words here. At least
there is hope:
X-Bogosity: Ham, spamicity=0.094677, version=
# 197 words, 1 message
X-Bogosity: Spam, spamicity=1.000000, version=


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