Do we need an exclusion list or something?

Eric Seppanen eds at
Fri Sep 13 23:53:29 CEST 2002

On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 05:34:43PM -0400, Paul Tomblin wrote:
> The problem I pointed out was with words that are in 100% of the spam
> messages *and* 100% of the ham messages.  Surely those should have been
> filtered out already?

I'm not sure how you expected them to be filtered out, but looking back at 
your original message, I notice that the words you mention are tagged as 
0.99, meaning they're very good spam indicators.  If they appear in every 
message, how can they be tagged 0.99?  If they show up in every message in 
both lists, bogofilter should have rated them 0.50 and you should never 
have seen a problem.

I think we'd benefit from having an "ignore" list (rather than, say, a 
hardcoded ignore list in lexer_l.l or bogofilter.c), but your problem 
seems to be a much more serious malfunction.

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