Do we need an exclusion list or something?

Paul Tomblin ptomblin at
Fri Sep 13 23:34:43 CEST 2002

Quoting Jonathan Buzzard (jonathan at
> eds at said:
> > In my opinion this will always be a problem.  I spotted this when I
> > fed it  a bunch of spam messages from the month of May and then found
> > that the  word "may" was being treated as a very strong indicator of
> > spamicity. 
> I hinted on this at the beginning of the week. There are two problems
> the inclusion of common words, which don't mean anything, and stuff
> getting included from the headers.

The problem I pointed out was with words that are in 100% of the spam
messages *and* 100% of the ham messages.  Surely those should have been
filtered out already?

Paul Tomblin <ptomblin at>, not speaking for anybody
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