Is Maildir scanning recursive?

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Sun Oct 22 12:58:43 CEST 2017

Am 21.10.2017 um 09:12 schrieb Rick van Rein:
> Hi,
> I am a recent and happy adopter of bogofilter.  What an elegance of
> simplicity and what an excellent speed!  And very good documentation :-)
> but for this:
> While training from Dovecot Maildir accounts, I was wondering if the
> automated scans are performed recursively, and does that include
>  That information impacts training, especially for the
> .INBOX.spam subdirectory.

Hoi Rick,

the scanning is flat; bogofilter (src/bogoreader.c is the code in
question) just scans through the .../new and .../cur subdirectories, and
only checks regular files (!) in those. .../tmp and other subdirectories
are ignored, .../tmp is a staging area for Maildir writers (which
bogofilter is not), and others are just skipped.

Where have you been looking for this information, should I add it to a
manual page?
Where would you expect to see this information?


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