testing questions

Matt Garretson mattg at assembly.state.ny.us
Fri Mar 5 18:14:09 CET 2010

Assuming the OP's question was an academic exercise, I think that:

   bogofilter -v -m 0.51,1.0,0.5

will score every message at 0.500000 regardless of any training (because
no tokens would be used since min_dev would be impossible to satisfy).

If so, then:

   bogofilter -v -m 0.51,1.0,0.5 -o .51,0

should always classify as ham, and:

   bogofilter -v -m 0.51,1.0,0.5 -o 0.5,0

should always classify as spam. There's some leeway with the numbers,
but I _think_ those should work. None of this would be useful for
actually scoring emails, of course, but it's sort of interesting.

Note: I could be wrong about all of this.  :)


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