Parsing of certain MIME messages, e.g. Vonage

Matt Garretson mattg at
Thu Oct 15 17:18:33 CEST 2009

David Relson wrote:
>> Agreed. The boundary string is odd since RFC 2046 specifies what's
>> correct and the "}" is not.

Hi, David. Thanks for your replies. Yeah, I figured something
out-of-spec in the message was causing the problem.

Anyway, as you suggested, manually removing the curly braces 
from the test message allowed the stock bogolexer to find the 
MIME parts okay. Additionally, your patch to exer_v3.l seems 
to make bogofilter accepting of the curlies. I will run with 
the patch for a while and see how it goes.

Of course, it would be nice if the big mail senders could try 
to generate RFC-compliant messages. For what it's worth, I'll 
try to let Vonage know they are sending out bogus email.


BTW, as a side note... thumbs down to Adobe for making a 
product called "Flex", when there was already a very well-
established project with the same name. Makes it annoying 
to search for info on the lexical analyzer.  :-P  


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