Training question

Stephen Davies scldad at
Mon May 11 07:15:12 CEST 2009

One of the very common types of spam recently is weight loss by taking Acai 

I have received thousands of spams with this in the subject and/or body and 
have fed then all into bogofilter as spam (after first reversing the initial 
ham entry).

My word  list now includes:
                                 spam   good
Acai                            16084    321
                                 spam   good
subj:Acai                        5464    352

Despite this, I still see:
-bash-3.2# bogofilter -vvv < spam1 | grep Acai
"subj:Acai"                        5816  0.029983  0.015939  0.347094 -
"Acai"                            16406  0.027416  0.046919  0.631186 -

What do I have to do to get these (and similar) words recognised as definitely 

PS. I know how to increase counts via bogoutil but is it possible to reduce 
counts? (eg to reduce the above good counts to zero) Putting negative numbers 
in a -l input file does not seem to work.

Cheers and thanks,
Stephen Davies
Stephen Davies Consulting P/L                             Voice: 08-8177 1595
Adelaide, South Australia.                                Fax  : 08-8177 0133
Computing & Network solutions.                            Mobile:040 304 0583
                                          VoIP:sip:1132210 at

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