nan in bogofilter stats

David Relson relson at
Tue Apr 7 13:28:47 CEST 2009

On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 12:59:41 +0930
Stephen Davies wrote:

> I use bogofilter in two ways: via Amavis milter/amavisd and
> explicitly from a cron job that uses -Ns to un/reregister any spam
> that reaches my inbox and I then save to a separate area.
> Amavis is configured to register both ham and spam.

Good.  Are you using two-state (spam,ham) or three-state
(ham,spam,unsure) classification?  If three-state (which is
bogofilter's default), how are you handling unsures?

> I supposed that the -Ns could theoretically result in a zero good
> count but the current .MSG_COUNTS is:
> .MSG_COUNT 276769 4239 20090407
> so it looks unlikely.

Unlikely indeed!
> I shall see if my new daily backup job provides any pointers.

The history of .MSG_COUNT might be interesting.  If the ham count
decreases from one day to the next or is suddenly zero, then something
is amiss.


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