Bogofilter 1.1.6 divide by zero

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Fri May 23 11:36:00 CEST 2008

Dave Saville schrieb:
> I am using the OS/2 port of 1.1.6. I keep getting a SPAM email in German that
> takes BF out with a divide by zero. The porter does not believe the problem is
> in the port and that it is in the BF code. The project web pages do not specify
> how to log bug reports nor how to upload a troublesome file.

Hi Dave,

sorry for that. You can report/upload bugs via the bug
tracker at <>.

Most valuable in that case would be a sort of a process snapshot at the
time the division-by-zero exception happened, such as a stack backtrace and
the variable sets in the respective frames (in GDB, I'd use "backtrace
full") - is that possible on OS/2, does it write core dumps or can it call
a debugger upon exception so we know where exactly that happens?

It may be useful to add -vvvxaglsw to the command line to enable some debug


Matthias Andree

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