bogofilter and thunderbird

Mark Grieveson dg135 at
Thu Jul 31 17:36:07 CEST 2008

I had been using it with Sylpheed-Claws, and liked it very much.  Due to
some friends sending me html mail, I've recently switched to Icedove
(aka Thunderbird).  I read in the faq for bogofilter that "Bogofilter
is known to work with kmail, mozilla-mail, mutt, pine, sylpheed-claws,
thunderbird. A google search will help you find more information on
using bogofilter with the mail program you use."  I did try a google
search, and a subsequent cuil search, and, alas, I have found nothing
about how to set up bogofilter with thunderbird.  So, how is this done?



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