Categorizing web pages

barsalou barjunk at
Mon Jan 29 06:27:19 CET 2007

I'm pretty sure we have had conversation about this sometime in the 
past, but I didn't find a good way to search through the archives to 
see what was said.

The idea is to run certain sites against a specific database....the end 
result will be many databases, each one that corresponds to a specific 

So if I want to categorize Sports, for example, I would run site the 
html through the bogofilter database specifically designed for sports.

Since I'm going to script this, it shouldn't be a big deal to just 
change db's and filter the site again for a different category.

The idea then is to a way to "categorize" a web site, so I could then 
use a filter to block or allow as I wanted.

Anyone do anything like this before?  Am I way out of my league here?

Mike B.

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