2 delivery failures for mail sent to the list

Tom Anderson tanderso at oac-design.com
Tue Sep 19 22:17:55 CEST 2006

I too only get this behavior on this list.  I concur that it is 
incorrect.  Only the list server ought to receive undeliverable messages 
in order to remove those addresses from the list.  List members do not 
care who else is subscribed or not.  This should be remedied.


Nigel Henry wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 September 2006 20:02, Charles A Edwards wrote:
>>On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 17:56:20 +0200
>>Nigel Henry wrote:
>>>All "@" have been changed to "(at)" by me.
>>>Any suggestions as to what is going on here?
>>These happens on every mailing list.
>>In effect when you post to a list you or sending an email
>>to Every member of that list.
>>If, for whatever reason, delivery fails for any member
>>you will receive a undeliverable notice for each failure.
>>Most, including I, set-up a filter rule in their MUA
>>to not be bothered by these notices.
>>    Charles
> Thanks for that Charles. It doesn't make much sense though. I'm on some quite 
> high volume mailing lists, and this sort of thing doesn't happen. I post to 
> the list, get a confirmation in my inbox that the posting has been received 
> by the list, and thats that. The only time I've had mail returned is when I 
> used to use the "reply all" function on Kmail. Some folks don't receive mail 
> sCC'd to them, so it ends up being returned. 
> This is all a bit academic, but bear with me please.
> I send a post to a mailing list, and I know my ISP using this address has some 
> problems (they seem to be favourable to spam). Lets say there is no blocking 
> of posting to the list. My post arrives at the list. My part in this 
> procedure is now at an end. The list now sends me a confirmation, which I 
> receive in my inbox that the post has been received by the list. The list, 
> not me, also sends out to all those subscribed to the list an e-mail of the 
> posting I have made to the list. So far so good, but quite why I, as the 
> sender of the post to the list should be notified that certain persons 
> subscribed to the list are unaccessable (for whatever reason) doesn't make 
> sense. 
> Perhaps the mailing list needs fixing. After all, this is a list to to with 
> filtering spam, and each time I post to the list I am getting 2 emails back, 
> which are to all intents and purposes spam, and contributing to bandwidth 
> wastage.
> Enough of the rant. I don't post to the list much, so if it can't be fixed, 
> I'll put up with it.
> Thanks again for the reply.
> It will be interesting to see if I get another 2 undeliverables when I send 
> this reply. lol.
> Nigel.
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