Bogofilter Problem

Richard cms01 at
Tue Sep 19 05:09:38 CEST 2006

I just notice that the txt file,
has NO un-commented line at all, they are all are ## blah, blah...etc

#### TRANSACTIONS: enable/disable database transactions
#	boolean indicating whether transactions
#	should be enabled (yes) or disabled (no)
#db_transaction=no		# default
##db_transaction=yes		# (alternate)

#### WORDLIST: define additional word lists
#	char type: 'r' (regular) or 'i' (ignore)
#	char *name: name of list, e.g. "system", "user", "ignore"
#	char *path: absolute path to file or
#		    file name (relative to bogofilter_dir)
#	int  order - once found, skip higher numbered lists
##wordlist i,ignore,~/ignorelist.db,1
##wordlist r,wordlist,~/wordlist.db,2
#	used in reporting spamicity and
#	in removing already existing headers

#	tag added to "Subject: " line for identifying spam or unsure
#	default is to add nothing.


NO LINES are UN-Commented NONE. ( how is this suppose to work? )
if no lines are un-commented please some one tell me on this?

Again, this is a fresh install of Kubuntu linux with Kmail.


Very Odd.


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