Spam in images

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at
Wed Sep 6 17:32:28 CEST 2006

On Wednesday 06 September 2006 16:51, Eric Wood wrote:
> From: "Tom Anderson"
> > Your assumption that, "Legit corporate email grabs all the images from
> > the web", is false.  I have received more and more email with inline
> > pictures.
> Examples?
> > I usually advise sending multipart emails with
> > both text and html portions, but some companies prefer only to create an
> > html version and many customers don't set their email client to display
> > text emails first... they set it to display html emails, but keep the
> > images off.
> I go around to many companies to work on their systems and I have yet to
> meet a person that turned images off because they were concerned about
> privacy.  Average users don't play on/off games with their email client,
> they just want to see the email whereever it comes from and go home at 5:00
> o'clock.
> > So, the only recourse is for businesses to start including
> > graphics in their emails if they hope to communicate their message
> > before it gets deleted.  Thus, putting bounds on the size of the email
> > or identifying inline images will become less and less effective as a
> > spam prevention measure.
> Seems like a bunch of people disagree with your recomendation:
> Tigerdirect, Surplus Computers, BellSouth, Ebay, Office Depot/Max,
> Techmags, Paypal and many other html emails I just scrolled through in my
> inbox all reference (pull) images from their corporate webservers.   There
> may be one oddball company sending me some inline images in there
> somewhere.....  And like I said, it's usually people inlining their
> signature pictures or corporate logos that could be a future problem if
> their email client does "cids:" with a @. notion.
> > I don't see that this class of spams is  particularly effective.
> Nor do I.
> > Nor do they warrant any special treatment.  Just train on errors.
> Ahem.... but you are doing special treatment!  You had to run it through a
> perl fork (stripsearch).
> I'm just saying my "special treatment" is to look at cid: syntax and yours
> it to grab an ASN and train on that.  I'm just not that advanced yet.
> -eric wood
> PS.  My procmail rule caught 19 images spam while writing this message.

Interesting. Bogofilter has just classified your reply as an unsure, but not 
the earlier replies.


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