Medications that you need!

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Sun Oct 15 23:29:55 CEST 2006

On Sun, 15 Oct 2006 the voices made John G Walker write:

JGW> On Sun, 15 Oct 2006 21:47:48 +0200 (CEST) "Tony L. Svanstrom"
JGW> <tony at> wrote:
JGW> > [if] that is a bad or
JGW> > good thing is mostly a personal question of if we consider bogofilter
JGW> > to be a strict spam/ham-tool, or if it's a tool to give us a
JGW> > wanted/not wanted-classifiction of the contents of e-mails.
JGW> I don't understand this. Could you explain?

 Well, if you view bogofilter as strictly a spam/ham-filter and it saw that
reply (which included a whole spam-message) as spam, then you need to retrain
bogofilter to view it as ham; but if you view bogofilter as a tool used to help
to delete unwanted content, you didn't like that he included a whole
spam-message and his reply was classified as spam, then you don't really need
to retrain.

 I didn't like the idea of him quoting a whole spam-message and I never saw his
e-mail, which generally is a good thing... but... if I really want to be strict
about ham/spam then I need to find his e-mail and retrain bogofilter... but
will I do that or not, that's the question...

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        \_@ @_/                                          \_@ @_/
   |  perl -e'print$_{$_} for sort%_=`lynx -dump`'  |
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