Debian-packages and bogofilter-versions (more bf than debian-posting)

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Sun Oct 8 12:31:07 CEST 2006

 As the few of you stalking me (you know who you are, don't think I can't see
you trying to hide in my compost?[*]) might know I'm still at version=0.15.4
(Robinson-Fisher; BerkeleyDB (4.1.24); goodlist.db: 43M; spamlist.db: 78M) of

 Moving the mailfiltering from a freebsd-box (where I've been a source-junkie)
to debian (where I'm a stable-package-junkie) the "if it aint broke, don't fix
it"-excuse just doesn't cut it anymore; and it's time to change everything from
"it just works" to something a little bit more "it just works, and it's cutting
edge, fear my nerd-powers".

 My package-options are:
 Stable:	0.94.4-1
 Testing:	1.0.2-3
 Unstable:	1.1.1-3

 I've read the release notes- and news-files (and googled this list, as I
sometimes don't read everything sent to it), and considering my earlier
expressed interest in multi-word token-testing I'm leaning towards the
Unstable-package (not checked exactly how much force is needed to squeeze that
one into a stable-system, though); so what I'm mainly looking for now is the
that extra human touch...

 What, if any, of these options would you recommend/use and why; did anyone of
them, or moving from one to the other, give you any extra trouble?
 Maybe there are some Debian-uses willing to share something about their use
of/trouble with bogofilter?

 Oh, I guess I should mention that I'm starting from scratch now, so no
potentially painful multi-step converting and moving of the database(s); but I
do want the new database to stick around "forever", with a minimum of
maintenance besides the training/retraining of e-mails.

[*] I'm probably partially to blame myself, as my open WLAN allow you to stick
around without having to face internet-withdrawal; damn my niceness and
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