proxy or network daemons

Jimmy Tang jtang at
Mon Nov 6 13:44:50 CET 2006


On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 07:33:42AM -0500, Tom Allison wrote:
> I'm fiddling with my mail server and am trying to see if I can fit bogofilter 
> into a network socket in my postfix mail server, much like Amavis.
> I know bogofilter isn't net_socket capable.  But I was thinking of a quickie 
> script in perl to do something like wrapper the network sockets to pipes for 
> both input and output and see what happens.
> But I can't imagine I'm the first one to ever think of this....
> Anyone tried this before?

i was looking into something similar myself a few weeks back, but i ended
up just using one of the contributed sample scripts that comes with the
bogofilter tarball

see bogofilter-1.1.1/doc/integrating-with-postfix

following that piece of documentation will allow you scan all incoming
and outgoing emails


Jimmy Tang
Trinity Centre for High Performance Computing,
Lloyd Building, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. |

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