bogotune patch for -D option.

David Relson relson at
Mon Mar 27 02:23:28 CEST 2006

On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 18:06:15 -0500
Jason A. Smith wrote:

> I have bogofilter 1.0.2 installed and recently tried running bogotune
> with the -D option, but it failed with the following message after
> reading the input folders:
> Unable to stat (null)
> because it was trying to calculate the recommended db cache size by
> opening the word database, but the -D option is supposed to tell
> bogotune to not open the real wordlist but build its own in memory, so
> the path is not set before it tries to open it.  I have attached a patch
> which fixes this.
> Also, with bogotune's -n & -s options, you used to be able to list
> multiple mail files/folders after each, but now only one is allowed
> (others are silently ignored) and multiple options are required.  Was
> this done intentionally?  The bogotune man page also indicates that the
> old behavior is allowed, so either the docs should be changed or the old
> behavior be brought back.
> Thanks,
> ~Jason

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the patch for '-D'.  I've applied it and the updated code is
in CVS.

The behavior of the -n and -s options changed when option parsing was
changed to use getopt().  AFAIK, using getopt() precludes the old
behavior, i.e. -n ham1 ham2 -s spam1 spam2.   If you know differently,
let me know.  In any case the man page now describes the current



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