Qmail howto

Matej Cepl ceplm at seznam.cz
Fri Feb 24 02:32:47 CET 2006

David Relson wrote:
> Bogofilter is distributed with 2 qmail related files that should help
> you get going.  They are:
>   contrib/dot-qmail-bogofilter-default
>   doc/integrating-with-qmail

Also if you use virtual servers with qmail and you would need remote
learning (i.e., to send mails with spam/ham to the server, to teach
bogofilter there what is/isn't spam) then I have extended bfproxy to work
with qmail in this situation
<http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/progs/scripts/bfproxy> and prepared procmail
<http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/progs/scripts/procmail-bfproxy> to work with
it. You have to have patched qmail, which supports procmail and then
in .qmail-<something> file you should have something like

|/data/home/virtdomain/.bogofilter/qmail-procmail /data/home/virtdomain/procmail-matej

(qmail-procmail is basically from Debian distribution, but slightly modified
-- <http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/progs/scripts/qmail-procmail>)

Be aware, that all these scripts are just examples and they need to be
modified to correspond to your local situation -- especially



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He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.
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