image-only spam -- ideas, what to do?

Bill McClain wmcclain at
Tue Dec 12 14:20:17 CET 2006

On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 11:44:09 +0000 (UTC)
Matej Cepl <ceplm at> wrote:

> Are there any ideas what to do with stuff like this? They are getting
> too often for my liking through my filters...

Bogofilter relies more on header information in these cases. I found it
useful to set "block_on_subnets=yes", which adds ip address information to
the database (and expands the database token count by about 20%). Ip address
ranges can be very good discriminators.

These past few months I've been getting bursts of spam into my "unsure"
category. Training handles them; just keep at it. Of my last 64,000 spams,
only 0.12% were uncaught (although: I count my large "unsure" zone as

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