Spam in images

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Mon Aug 7 16:10:05 CEST 2006

On Mon, 7 Aug 2006 the voices made David Relson write:

DR> I've been seeing 2 distinct varieties of image spam recently.
DR> #1 contains image001.gif, a slew on innocuous words, and is 28Kb
DR> to 29Kb long.
DR> #2 contains p.jpg and a bit of html, and is 26Kb long.
DR> #3 contains multiple images (each containing a line or so of the message)
DR> and is approx 80Kb long.

 The ones that I'm getting are all about 31-33K, and contains multiple lines
with garbage text (even the from-names and subjects seem to be random), and a
single image.

 Training helps somewhat, but my main concern is that this is a long-term
(months, up to a year) project with the goal to poison peoples ham/spam-
 Whatever it is it'll probably change the way that many view/use
statistical(ish) spamfilters today.

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