Spam in images

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Tue Aug 1 09:22:01 CEST 2006

On Mon, 31 Jul 2006 the voices made Bill Wohler write:

BW> Seems to be a spam virus afoot the last couple of weeks which
BW> generates a message consisting of a rather innocuous header (as it may
BW> have been sent by the victims of the virus), a text/plain body part
BW> with lots of random, legitimate, words to stump the Bayesian filters,
BW> and an ad in a GIF image attachment.

 The first irritating spam in quite some time; and I think it might be enough
to make me start using greylisting at smtp-level (if that works with these, I
haven't checked the headers close enough to see what's going on).

BW> What's the current best practice with these? Classify as spam, or just
BW> delete?

 If it's spam, then it's spam... My view is that if you've got a "learning"
filter then just hand it all spam and ham, and let it sort it out; if it can't,
then it's either broken by design or outdated.

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