Per user wordlist for 12000 users

David Relson relson at
Fri Apr 21 01:19:35 CEST 2006

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:04:40 +0200
Dominique VOLPE wrote:

> Hi,
> we use bogofilter in a Postfix gateway for 12000 users.
> Currently, we ask each user to send FP and FN to a special mailbox. A 
> person checks the received messages in this mailbox and injects them 
> into Bogofilter.
> Is there a possibility of setting up an individualized filtering, for 
> example with a wordlist.db per user ?
> How to make so that each user feeds his own database?
> Thank you.
> Dominique

Hello Dominique,

Individualized filtering isn't hard.  All it takes is lots of disk
space (so each user can have his own wordlist).

The special address technique for correcting errors can be implemented
quite easily with procmail or maildrop.  As a rough design, the
following would work for user 'test':

 wordlist.db would be in directory /home/test/.bogofilter/

 /home/test/.procmailrc would recognize addresses
 test+FN at and test+FP at and run bogofilter
 with -s or -n flags.

Hope this helps,


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