Bogofiler with a specified wordlist.db

Tom Anderson tanderso at
Wed Apr 12 23:34:21 CEST 2006

.rp wrote:
> I disagree. I don't want bogofilter wasting its time and perhaps getting poisoned again 
> by emails that are obviously spam due to its structure. Since having SA as the second 
> gate (first gate is within sendmail itself using several procedures) we have not gotten 
> our bogofilter table poisoned.

Again, here you've said you don't want bogofilter wasting its time, but 
in my experience SpamAssassin uses more resources.  Bogofilter won't get 
tired ;)  No need to spare it.

I don't know what you mean by "gotten our bogofilter table poisoned". 
What does that mean?  It sounds like cargo cult programming to me.  If 
it's obviously spam, then bogofilter should have no problem with it.

> The users get a report on what has been sent to a holding location due to being 
> tagged as spam by bogofilter or the SpamAssassin.

If you don't trust users to maintain their own lists, how can you trust 
that they'll reliably report errors either?


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