Eclipse plugin

Mikhail Zabaluev mhz at
Mon Oct 10 23:59:06 CEST 2005


I'm excited to present an Eclipse plugin that makes use of Bogofilter:

Use this source tarball to build the plugin binary.
Win32 is not supported for now.


As of Evolution 2.4.0, the definition file for the stock junk filter
plugin, 'org-gnome-sa-junk-plugin.eplug', must be removed from the
plugin directory to avoid conflict with any alternate junk plugin.
Simply disabling the SA plugin in the configuration UI won't avail. This
is due to a flaw in the loading code for this hook type (see GNOME bug

To be able to classify mails as spam, bogofilter needs to have some
messages in its ham (non-spam) wordlist. This presents something of a
chicken-and-egg problem for Evolution, because it can feed messages
to the junk filter for learning as non-junk only after these messages
have been classified as junk and moved into a junk folder. Thus, if you
haven't got a pre-existing bogofilter database, you may need to feed it
some messages known to be non-junk, using its command line utility.


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