make check passes in Solaris 10 x86

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Tue Nov 29 00:00:03 CET 2005

Matthias Andree <matthias.andree at> writes:

> It'll currently just walk along your $PATH, trying
> i386-sun-solaris2.10-ar and ar. The relevant macro is, as David stated,
> AC_CHECK_TOOL, and we might catch the "not found" case and abort with
> error.

This is what I have committed to CVS. If ar is not in PATH, configure
aborts and asks the user to fix PATH.

During testing, I found another problem (test FAILures), on an older
Solaris version that does not support UTF-8. (I believe this is NOT
specific to Solaris, but hits every system that doesn't support
UTF-8). We need another test that disables Unicode on these
computers, and we also need to print "unicode enabled/disabled at
compile time" information in bogofilter -V.

Finally, do we want to ship CP866 special case code? I'd rather see this
removed before 1.0.0 if possible, and everything tested in a 0.96.7

Matthias Andree

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